인용하기Learning English/Academic English 2019. 3. 23. 08:58
외부 자료에 있는 내용을 아카데믹 라이팅에서 인용을 할 때 크게 3가지 방법이 있습니다.
주요 특징은 저자 이름이 아닌 성만으로 표시하며 출판 년도를 함께 기입합니다.
"What is not started today is never finished tomorrow" - Goethe, 2018
1. 직접 인용(Direct voice/quotation)
Format : <Family name>(year, page info) states, "~ start with a lower letter ~".
Goethe(2018, p25) states, "what is not started today is never finished tomorrow".
2. 간접 인용(Indirect voice/quotation) - can be paraphrased
Format : <Family name>(year) states that ~.
Goethe(2018) points out that today's tasks should not be postponed to other days.
3. 외부 인용(external voice/quotation) - can be paraphrased
Format : It is states that ~(Family name, Year).
It is states that habits postponing today's assignments should be discarded(Goethe, 2018).
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