
  • Opinion and Fact
    Learning English/Academic English 2019. 3. 23. 09:25

    아카데믹 에세이에서는 개인의 의견이 아닌 사실로 작성되어야 합니다.

    다수가 동의할 수 있는 사실에 기반한 글을 작성하여 독자를 설득시킬 수 있어야 합니다. 

    Decide which of the following statements is an opinion or a fact.

    1. Nuclear power is far too dangerous to be used as a source of energy. - Opinion

    2. Nuclear power is the cleanest way to generate electricity. - Opinion

    3. Chernobyl is one example of nuclear power gone wrong. The surrounding countryside is still radioactive today. - Fact

    4. Nuclear bombs killed millions of people in Japan in World War II - Fact

    5. Approximately nine countries have nuclear weapons . - Fact

    6. More and more countries are using nuclear power. - Fact

    7. Nuclear power has dangerous waste products. - Fact

    8. The side effects of nuclear power are not fully known. - Fact

    9. Living near a nuclear power station can cause birth-defects. - Fact

    10. Supporters of nuclear power are only interested in making money. - Opinion

    11. Cyclists cause too many accidents on our roads. - Opinion

    12. Cycling instead of driving is the best thing we can do for the environment. - Opinion

    13. Unlike cars, bicycles do not emit carbon dioxide. - Fact

    14. Councils should spend more money making cities bicycle-friendly. - Opinion

    15. More and more people are cycling to work every year. - Fact

    16. A bicycle can be bought for under $100 - Fact

    17. Towns look untidy with bicycles chained up everywhere. - Opinion

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